I picked up Killzone 2 recently and have been addicted to the multiplayer! Let's talk about things that were amazing. The mech suit in the single player is amazing. It reminds me of the days I use to play Mech Warrior 4 Vengeance! It's that satisfying! Killzone 2 is also not the first game to feature class base teams or the whole Warzone mode (you play through all 5 modes online in one game session) but it does it so well! The controls are well...you either love em or hate em. They feel as if the weapons, the movement of the character all have this "weight" that isn't as quick as other shooters (Call of Duty 4, I'm looking at you!). It really isn't that bad because the game isn't suppose to be one man army charging in. It plays as a tactical shooter without all the commanding of other players! Now, let's talk about the bad. The multiplayer unlock system is ridiculous! I won't say I'm the best player at this game but I am quite sure that new players may be turned off at the high learning curve to the online. Other than that, I think that the game is amazing! It really did live up to the footage shown at the E3 showing so long ago! Let's take a look at that!
Note: I know that you can't be able to judge from Youtube footage but it's what I'm comparing to!
E3 2005 Trailer:
First level gameplay 2009
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