Sunday, October 5, 2008

No love for Resistance 2!

Gametrailers' podcast,Bonus Round had no love for Resistance 2. I'm not a fanboy by any sorts (saying that probably means I'm in fanboy denial) but come on. Everyone really dismissed how big Resistance 2 will be. Look at Haze for the PS3. It has "same look as the Halo 3 cept yellow" and wasn't able to catch the mainstream audience. It only sold about 67,000 (in the first month of May according to and wasn't that amazing of a game. Don't get me wrong, Gears of War 2 is gonna be a seller but to really say that Resistance 2 isn't going to pull in a ton of audience is dumb. I posted up a post in the forums and you can see below the video. Just my 2 cents.

After watching it, I posted this..

"I disagree with those three that Resistance 2 doesn't look like it can be recognized through the other shooters. Casual gamers don't look at Half Life's Gorden Free and go, oh man, he's a badass. They would if someone told them about the game. Same thing goes with Resistance 2, once someone is told of the concept behind it, it becomes recognized. Saying that Gears' Marcus and Halo 3's Master Chief are more known is because hey, there's already a bigger install base on the 360. Of course more people will know of these characters because there's more people w/ 360's talking about it and telling people about the idea behind the game. And as for which game do you think gamers are gonna get, I think both. If they're really a hardcore gamer, they already have both systems and plan on getting both."

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