Saturday, February 21, 2009


Back in my first semester of college, my Photoshop teacher talked to me about inspiration. Where we get it, and how it can help with developing ideas. I just watched a TED speech on the Jill Taylor's stroke. I think it's definitely inspiring and amazing to watch. Do watch it!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh Zuma!

The Zuma demo came out for PSN today. A perfect example of a simple concept but with a brilliant design. If you've never played, it's bubble shooter but instead of the multi-colored balls going straight down, they wrap around you.

The game also has a perfect pacing that introduces new challenges later on. You'll be challenge from tunnels which you can't fire into and multiple waves of colored balls. Maybe I'm a little clouded by the addictiveness the game has to offer but that aside, I don't I've played anything recently that has gotten me to the same addiction as this game (run on sentence, I knowz).


Side note, found this on GT. It shows some of the mo-cap in Resident Evil 5 was done. Looked interesting enough to post. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In my new year's resolution, I stated that I was out to search for a Pownce substitute. I think that this blog/facebook has filled the gap. If you've never heard of Pownce, it was a micro blog website that competed against Twitter (even if it didn't try to). It was a close circle of people that sent each other links and pictures. On this blog of mine, I've posted countless videos/links to things I find interesting. That takes care of the links/pictures that I use to post on Pownce and then I also blog on here. As for a social network that I reach out to, I fiddle around on Facebook. Together, the two fill my need of Pownce. What I'm trying to say is that I found a cool Left 4 Dead parody from GameTrailers. Check it out!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Vday. God of War 3

Happy Valentines weekend to all!

Wanted to drop this by everyone. It's the epic God of War 3 trailer!
Was David Jaffe talking shit when he said
b- I thought GEARS OF WARS 2 looked about as good as a next-gen game could look... and that game is currently- and will probably remain- my game of the year. And hell, I think I actually get to vote on that kind of stuff in some circles :) And unless I get blown away by POP or something else I missed, GEARS 2 is the SHIT... this year. Dudes and dudettes, fucking WAIT till you see the amazing graphics... just fucking wait. And yes, Xbots, accuse me all you want of being a Sony fanboy. Just remember two things:

#1- I just said GEARS 2 is the BEST fucking playing and looking game of the year... better than any PS3 game. And there are some damn good PS3 games, I feel.

#2- FUCK YOU! I ain't no fan boy but this mother fucking game looks like nothing you've ever played... and you can hold me to that when this thing hits and when they start showing gameplay footage. It looks like a painting come to life- it's THAT good looking.


Up to you to decide! I think the begining sequence was AMAZING! Just download the video and look at the details put on the textures on the crow and on the environment. It's so pretty! The other thing I loved about the trailer was the voice of Kratos. It helps bring out a feeling of epic-ness to the viewer. Man, first time I watched it, I basically said "Oh SHIT!". Well enough of my rant, enjoy you guys! To download, go to and download the HD version.



Here's a designer interview on God Of War 3!

Looks like this is the last God of War! If it's anywhere near as epic as Metal Gear Solid 4 was, I won't have any doubts! Definitely check it out!

Half Life the mini series

I was on the Joystiq and found this gem. Just released from the Purchase brothers, here is the Half Life Mini Series! It's a little NFSW so do use caution but overall, it's pretty badass!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bacon Explosion

Found something delish on the internet! All you bacon lovers enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dig Dug the movie and K2 videos!

Been working a lot on final projects for school but I did stumble onto two good videos! One is a fake trailer for Dig Dug. I found the game tie ins to be hilarious! The other one was one on the Killzone 2 dev team! It's translated through text at the bottom of the video so do enjoy! Back to work!

Dig Dug

Killzone 2 Dev Team