Friday, November 28, 2008

zelda remake

This is one of the most inventful levels I have ever seen using Little Big Planet!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hideo Kojima receives Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV

Hideo Kojima receives Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV

Hell to the yes! I remember playing the first Metal Gear and thinking it was the best game evarrr. Props to that man!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Resistance 2

Resistance 2 has some really interesting Co-Op. I've been playing it all day and it really does feel mmo-esk. You have characters who tank and other characters who are damage dealers and other characters who heal. You get where I'm going with this. Well back to playing, just wanted to give an update what I've been playing.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Left 4 Dead or should I say, Dawn of the Dead:tthe game

The title is basically what the game is. The game is a straight up multiplayer shooter that plays out like a zombie apocalypse movie (Warts and all. haha Zero P reference). The gameplay can be summed up like this:

If that doesn't interest you, then don't even bother with the game. It's basically the same thing over and over. The repition can be felt through the gameplay and also the weapons. You get 6 guns (Uzi, pump shotgun, Pistol, auto shotgun, M4 machine gun, auto sniper) and it feels as if Valve didn't have enough time to add more guns(it's been in development since 2004/05. Sometime between there). Sure, you can debate that the guns, it has, has a purpose. None of these guns don't have a purpose (some would argue the auto sniper) but always ending up with a shotgun or machine gun can get tiresome.

The positives about the game is that the replayability is very high (especially if you have the PC version). Everytime you play throughout a level, it will always be different. It will have different zombie spawns, different weapon spawns and different pacing. This is all done through the game A.I. director. To sum it all up, it is basically if a guy watched you play the game and added zombies for the hell of it just to screw with you. It only leads me to wonder how Valve is going to use the A.I. director for future games (i.e. Left 4 Dead 2/ Half Life Episode 3).
PC gamers will be in joy because like any other Valve game, expect a ton of mods/modes added in. The Verses mode seems like it was unfinished to the main part that it is unfinished. You can only play the first 2 "movies".

Levels, I almost forgot. You might want to think about getting the game for the Xbox 360. Valve says it will support the game more on the console rather than PC but only time will tell. The game ships with co-op for 4 levels. It will take anytime from an hour to two hours+ depending on the difficulty. The level names are posted below in the posters that the game shows you during mid-levels.

Few games these days can truly give me "immersion". Game developers are always talking about it but few come close to giving you that "feeling". It's amazing, it's repetitive, it's trying to be a movie. If your a zombie movie lover, your only reading this to confirm to others that the game is awesome. If your in between on getting it, just ask yourself this question. Who would I take to survive a zombie apocalypse and would they actually be a good choice? Because you can finally test it out with this game!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy birthday Half Life

Happy birthday Half Life! It's been 10 years since you've entered my heart as favorite fps of all time. Looking back how the series started, I can only wonder what is to come with Half Life Episode 3!

How it all began....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Heidi Klum Commercial Spreads!

The Heidi Klum guitar commercial is spreading. It first hit the tv airwaves (which wasn't the director cut). Then the director's cut hit the internet tubes! Then it came back to the television in the news program. What kind of bugs me about this is that they used the directors cut (a la the one that isn't shown on television) to create a motion of disguest. Well it turns out that the female analyst say that it's tame compared to other beer commercials. Check it out below!

[Source = NintendoRaw / FileFront ]

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sequel crazy

The game industry is on a new trend of what I call "sequel crazy". Just look at the two top games that game out in the beginning of November. Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2. Well okay, they were original new IP's from the start of the next gen consoles so that's okay. On the other hand, you see, Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Unreal Tournament 3, and many others. Has the industry been playing the safe bet too much with the next generation of consoles? (I'm not talking about the Wii because it's apparently it's not competing against it's bigger brothers, Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360.)

Have we, the gamers, been accepting the new titles with open hearts on and on only to see original ideas banished. Take a look at last generations Ico which wasn't a great seller but considered an amazing game. I'm only talking about this because I was in a discussion with a friend about the next, next generation of video games (the Sony PS4 and Xbox 720). It will be interesting to see what happens then? Will there be a Metal Gear Solid 5 out then? A Halo 5? It will be interesting to see because those games are top sellers. Games like Mirror's Edge and Little Big Planet are examples of how originality can be a fresh experience. But the industry is out to make money so will the trend of originality continue to die (but likely to pop up in Nintendo's market)? I think only time will tell.

On the note of sequels, here's footage comparing the original Gears of War maps to the Gears of War 2 maps. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Gaming Community and the Devs

Quick chat about the gaming community and developers can talk in forums. I recently won a recent Crysis Wars Post of the Week which was no doubt awesome. I basically stated my opinion on how to make the game more balanced and fun. For more check out this link. It leads me to hope that gameplay balance issues will be sorted out. Winning isn't what really makes me happy, it's that they considered my suggestions. Think of it like this, you make a wonderful pie. You tasted it yourself and it's amazing(to you at least). You give it to a friend, they immediately say that the pie has a horrible after taste. Thus ripping out the love you had for the pie/ that friend(haha). Developers have this exact same reaction. The day their game ships and they see the reviews/meta score is basically how they can rate themselves (in terms of quality). Seeing developers taking the time to see how it can be changed shows how good the company is (i.e. Crytek).

On that exact note, here is footage of something I really wanted to see. The Insomniac Community Day! Hopefully one day, I'll get to tour those offices! Anyways, enjoy!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Guitar Hero Ads Rock with Heidi Klum

I was on and I found this comparison of Guitar Hero World Tour commercials. They stated that it was a bit silly for a bunch of guys in underwear rocking out in a commercial. But with Heidi Klum, it was less silly. I don't know if this was the perfect commercial to hit their audience. I see what they were trying to do with the male's in underwear commercial but I don't know it was executed that well. I see both commercials on the air so maybe they're doing a combination to please both the male/female audience? The commercial also shows how you look when you actually play which could be looked at as a negative. I feel that they should have started off as if the actors were at a rock concert (show them at an actually rock concert) then move back to the underwear look. I also posted the Rock Band 2 commercial for comparison. What do you guys think?

Original Commercial

Heidi Klum take

Rock Band 2 Commercial

[ Source = ]

The Future?

When the first Wii was shown, I immediately thought, "Hey, it has controls that basically replicate the mouse and keyboard." After using it, I thought, it was a good first start (I played a couple FPS's with it) but I wonder what will come down the road. Down the road and not the first example after the Wii's motion sensor, comes this motion detection for the computer. Now, it states the mouse and keyboard are dead... What's wrong with that? Because I don't know if I would throw my beautiful Logitech keyboard and mouse for my own hands. Only time will tell if this will be as hyped as the video states but I am excited for it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fallout 3 Evolution

I've been playing Fallout 3 like sleep is a chore. I thought this is a good time to check out the previous Fallouts (I was kind of young so I didn't get the opportunity to play em).

This video sure helped!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Resistance 2 arrives today!

This game comes out today...

which is made by these guys

and this game comes out Friday...

which is made by this guy..

which means everyone I know will be losing sleep. haha

I'll do a video blog sometime within the next two weeks. Other than that, I've been playing recently Fallout 3. It starts off kinda slow but once you pick up a decent rifle and armor, the game picks up. It's really good and it is for anyone looking for that apocalyptic story or for someone who liked Oblivion. The game isn't perfect, there's bugs every now and then (at least for the pc) but it can be overlooked from the game's landscape/gameplay. Also, if you thought it was a FPS, your wrong. If you thought it was an RPG, it's not. It takes them together and creates a hybrid. This is one hybrid that everyone should at least try.